2010年4月19日 星期一

We are famliy!!

Last Sunday (4/11), we met at the Edwards' home. There were 9 adults and 5 kids all together. We are all sisters and brothers in God regardless of our age (70 years apart from the oldest to the youngest) and culture(we are from 3 different cultures). Thanks to Alicia (I'm sure with the help of her lovely family), we had a great meal (one of the best meals I ever had at foreign friends' home in Taiwan).

Thanks to God's love, so that we can support and encourage each other. Thanks to God's love, we can be well looked after not only when we were foreigner in the foreign country England (by Bill and Sheila) but also in our home country Taiwan (by Chad and Alicia). Believe me, it's a blessing to be a part of God's family.



Chad, Bill and Sheila chatting before the meal(趁Alicia準備晚餐時,Chad、Bill及Sheila在客廳聊天)

Alicia preparing for the meal(Alicia專門為小朋友們準備的餐桌及餐具;牧師娘Alicia真是女超人,一桌滿滿的菜都是她準備的)

kids playing together(Cole B 哥哥的房間是小朋友的遊戲室)

having meal together and enjoying the meal (大家盡興地享受Alicia準備的豐盛晚餐,我到現在還難忘地瓜泥的美味)

having fun together (這真是一個身心靈都收穫豐富的晚宴)

Cole B helping momo put her shoes on (Cole B 王子在幫灰姑娘穿鞋子)

2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Hello 慧先,好和樂的聚餐喔!突然看見一個熟悉的面孔,不知道她是不是2年前有到Sheffeld念書過.他說他叫楊嘉芬.他說也認識你.我與她相識在Meadowhall Boots .


我是快樂先 提到...
